We have been living outdoors for the past week enjoying the summer heat. There is lots of playing and fun going on while mumma and daddy plug away at a few grueling summer tasks on our to-do list. More on that later but let's just say that my muscles are all awake and aching.
On the spontaneity side, a new gazebo founds it's way to our backyard deck. Many thanks to the hubby who works tirelessly on this house even when he is feeling sick, xoxo. We used to keep the girl's playhouse on the deck but now that things are a bit more settled we wanted to take time to enjoy the fantastic view that this backyard affords us. The girl's play house is now on the ground and we are enjoying breaks from the afternoon heat in a shady, almost bug free zone. Oh yeah, that's the most important part, bug free. The mosquitoes here are relentless and once dusk hits you are walking vile of blood for those critters. scratch, scratch. Don't get me started about wasp season {{shudder}} those things are just mean.
Apparently the kids are really loving it. I was a bit surprised to see how much. If they aren't outside running around they are on the deck playing board games and cooling off with summer treats like popsicles. I know what we will be stocking up on over the next couple of months. It's so hard to say no to the little people when the heat beats down on them. What does your family do to keep cool during the summer?
I think there is going to be a whole lot of summer loving going on this year.
my bigger two play deck cards forever even now when they want to relax
love to see you in your blog
Posted by: Cris | June 22, 2009 at 02:13 PM
your outdoor space looks oh-so-wonderful!
Posted by: amandajean | June 24, 2009 at 10:14 AM
Hi Cris...
Oh deck cards are a big favorite in our house too!
Posted by: duckyhouse | July 12, 2009 at 01:57 AM
thank you :)
Posted by: duckyhouse | July 12, 2009 at 02:06 AM