2011 is here and I wanted to start the year on the right foot with a blog post. I am optimistic that it is going to be a great year and from my 2010 perspective, things can only look up. Not that last year was all that bad but from a blogging standpoint the latter part of 2010 was very unproductive. I made the quiet decision to put my blogging/creative life on hold back in May to tend to a few issues that were causing me a fair amount of stress. I am hoping that my very long break will bring with it a fresh perspective, some new creativity and a renewed sense of purpose.
On the home front things are starting to fall into place with the renovation (BIG stressor #1). We were scheduled to have things completed before Christmas, allowing me to start the year in a new studio space but it looks like it's going to take a wee bit longer; end of February at the latest, cross-fingers. Mr. duckyhouse and I are both very tired of it all and spending a years worth of date nights in Home Depot is no fun!
Our current project has been refinishing the stairway/hallway & mudroom but we put it on hold during December as I was sick, so very sick. I finally gave in after 24 days of it (being sick) and went to a walk in clinic on Dec 23rd, diagnosis: a sinus infection with a touch of bronchitis. After that short visit to the doctor I walked away with a prescription for a $70 antibiotic, umm yeah, hefty price but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. I’m feeling loads better as I write this and between you and me I blame the whole sick thing on the 13 hours of power sanding the staircase. Yeesh. No matter how well your sanding mask fits, you gotta know that dust is making it’s way into those sinus cavities.
With things more or less on hold creatively you won’t find any new quilts or nifty sewing going on these days. I did manage to knit up a few items during my sick December for gifting and I started this quaint little felt kit with the sweetest woodland critters. I’ll post the photos as soon as they are taken.
Speaking of photos, my camera has been pretty lonely for the past half a year. I want to alleviate that by taking part in a 365 (photo) project. The goal is to take one photo a day to capture your life. I miss taking photos, I miss the inspiration, I need to participate in this idea.
As for resolutions, I have none...well maybe just one. I want to laugh more. seriously.
How about you? How is your New Years shaping up? Any reflections or resolutions?
I look forward to hearing more about your family and life and those renovations! I love the idea of a candle in a bundt cake - I've never seen it done before. That would make a great birthday cake!
Posted by: Nan | January 02, 2011 at 10:01 AM
The laugh more resolution is mine too. I love your focused great start to the new year. Hope we are more a part of it too. I miss the weekly Tam times and think family dates or dinners are a scheduling must for 2011.
Posted by: Tami jo | January 02, 2011 at 11:19 AM
HappyNewYear! Glad to 'see' you. I totally understand the lifezapper that renos are. If anyone ever tells me how they wish to renovate a home, how dreamy that is...I want to strangle them. Reno'ing my home (and it's just basic stuff) has made me resent my home. I hope you can find a bit of time for you, something that gives you more pleasure. I look forward to reading further posts - post some pics of what you've done! Good to see you...
Posted by: andrea | January 06, 2011 at 09:32 AM
thanks Nan and a bundt cake does make a delicious cake :)
Posted by: duckyhouse | January 13, 2011 at 02:05 PM
yes, yes, and yes...need more Tami time :) what are the best times for you guys? maybe we should plan a monthly potluck dinner.
Posted by: duckyhouse | January 13, 2011 at 02:07 PM
I always thought it would be so cool to renovate an entire house. We've always done bits of the homes we lived in but never an entire house. Well, I got my wish this time and well...it is indeed a lifezapper. We've been working on it over the past two years and in the spring I got a little batty about how long it was taking so we turned up the heat, put our hobbies away to make things move quicker. While we are getting tons done, I feel so out of balance. I think that is why I got sick in December. I picked up my knitting but what I really want to be doing is quilting. I need to live vicariously through you okay?
Hang in there, don't want you to go MIA either...and yes, I will post more photos as soon as this winter bad lighting lets up.
Posted by: duckyhouse | January 13, 2011 at 02:11 PM